Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dante Inferno; Canto 7 - 1474 Words

Canto XIII: A Loss of Identity, A Loss of Faith In Canto XIII, Dante enters the second subcircle of the seventh ring of Hell, reserved for those who commit violence against themselves. Here, the contrapasso of suicide is becoming a part of the thorned and treacherous woods. Although this seems odd as the idea of a contrapasso is, â€Å"the punishment fits the crime,† and other punishments seem much harsher, the real workings of the contrapasso are shown once Dante speaks to the souls. Here it is revealed to Dante that these souls are constantly reminded that they have willingly given up what is most important to them, their identity. In turn, they must suffer for abandoning the bond that existed between them and God. The contrapasso in†¦show more content†¦In the seventh ring of Hell, the woods have, â€Å"no path marked† signifying how people have lost their way to God because of the sin they have committed. Fittingly, those souls who are lost in their own life and ultimately commit suicide find themselves confined in these woods. Dante’s own search for identity likely explains his empathy for the sinners he encounters in the woods. It also, however, allows him to truly understand the message that God is sending through his stern and calculated punishments. The punishment intended for the ones who harmed themselves is very clear and tangible for Dante. For example, the trees within the woods are portrayed as, â€Å"not smooth branches, but knotted and twisted,† (XIII, 4-5). This goes along with the idea of warping and twisting representing the theme of continual punishment that seems to be tied with suicide. As Dante is trying to find his own way to God, he feels pity for sinners especially now that they see the error in their ways. They are forced to see their bodies hung upon their branches and are there to never be reclaimed. Dante asks for the names of the souls in an attempt to help restore even a sliver of their lost identities. However, God’s justice is firm and quite harsh for s inners of this magnitude and leaves no room for sympathy. As stated in Genesis, â€Å"man was fashioned after God.† By giving up their bodies in life, these souls have given up their connection that they had with God. Therefore, theShow MoreRelatedDante Alighieri ( 1265-1321 )1353 Words   |  6 Pages1. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was banished from Florence in 1302 and was a soldier in the battle of Sienese and Campaldino. 2. There was a lot of political unrest during Dante’s lifetime, as well as a horde of new poetical and literary movements that arose. This was due to the Guelfi Party’s split into two: those in favor of the pope and those in favor of the emperor. 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